Category:Casting Shop

From Artisans Asylum Wiki
Casting Shop
A view of the shop
Casting Shop
Building {{{building}}}
Lead TBD
User email list
Tool Testers


Hours Same as membership hours


The Artisans Asylum Casting Shop offers resources and training for two main processes: Sand Casting and Investment Casting.

The Sand Casting program at the Artisans Asylum enables the the recreation of objects in metal with level of detail suitable for small sculpture, jewelry, and select engineering applications.

— This method is suitable for beginners as well as experienced shop users who are interested in producing a cast piece within the time period of a few hours.

The Investment Casting program at the Artisans Asylum involves a two to three day process that enables the reproduction of complex shapes in a way that preserves a high level of fine detail.

— This method is suitable for intermediate to advanced shop users interested in achieving high quality and precision in their cast objects.

The Casting Shop encourages experimentation and knowledge-sharing for the production of jewelry and artwork achievable using equipment appropriate to our shop. Our facilities are oriented toward hand crafted pieces the size of jewelry and slightly larger — we do not have the resources to support larger foundry work.

Casting Techniques:

Bronze at 2000 F
Bronze at 2000 F

Investment Casting at the Artisans Asylum, sometimes referred to as Lost Wax Casting, starts with the creation of a jewelry-sized object, or “pattern,” often made with wax.

— The pattern is encased in investment, a silica and gypsum based substance that resembles plaster.

—Once the investment has set, the wax is then “burnt out” using an overnight kiln cycle that further hardens the investment and produces a cavity into which the molten metal can be poured.

— At a pre-arranged time the next day, the flask that contains the investment is pulled out of the kiln and the metal is poured using a vacuum assist.

— Once metal has solidified, the hot flask is “quenched,” or submerged in a bucket of water that quickly liquifies the investment, allowing the finished casting to be easily retrieved.

Sand Casting at the Artisans Asylum involves the use of Petrobond, an oil-based casting sand that significantly reduce the vapor-producing concerns of water-based sands.

— Sand casting allows the reproduction of the original pattern in a matter of hours, without the destruction of the pattern.


Vacuum caster: This machine pulls air through the pores of a lost-wax mold to draw the molten metal into fine detail during casting. RED tool: Tool-testing required. Located under the hood against the south wall. Link to: Vacuum Caster Tool Resource Page

Sentry Kiln: For heat-treating and burn-out of lost-wax molds. RED tool: Tool-testing required. Programmable controller, temp limit: 1350 F. Link to: Sentry Kiln Tool Resource Page

Electromelt furnace: For melting metals to cast. RED tool: Tool testing required. Removable graphite crucibles for different metals, including gold, silver, argentium (Ag-Ge), bronze, brass. Temperature limit: 2000 F. Link to: Electromelt Tool Resource Page

List of Documented Tools

Tool Info Class Tool Tester(s)
Vacuum Caster Tool Resource Page RED Alethea Jones
Sentry Kiln Tool Resource Page RED Alethea Jones
Electromelt Tool Resource Page RED Alethea Jones


Buddy Up!
Buddy Up!

Always Cast with a Casting Buddy!

To promote shop user safety while pouring molten metal, the Casting Shop uses a buddy system to ensure backup in the cast of accidents. Experienced Casting Buddies can be found through the shop’s Google groups email listserv.

— To subscribe, send a request email directly to the list:

Proper attire and Personal Protective Equipment are required, especially when pouring molten metal:

— Proper Attire: Long Sleeved Cotton Shirt, Long Pants, Closed-toe Shoes. No loose hair or jewelry.

— PPE: Safety Glasses (shade 3 when torch melting metal or looking into a hot kiln), Leather Apron, Heat Resistant Gloves.

Please keep tools and work surfaces reasonably clean of dried investment, which contains silica and poses respiratory hazards when airborne and inhaled. At minimum, dust masks are required when mixing investment and when cleaning dry investment spills. Respirators designed for welding purposes may provide additional protection. The shop maintains a supply of dust masks.


Two people are required for melting and casting metal in the shop. One tends the metal while the other manipulates the molds and operates the vacuum caster. All other shop operations can be performed solo. Handling molten metal poses a risk of very serious injury, and a buddy may be needed to call 9-1-1 if necessary.


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Pages in category "Casting Shop"

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