Solidworks Server Connection Fix

From Artisans Asylum Wiki


If you try to start Solidworks and you see the following message, the computer has lost contact with the server.

SW no server.png

For Computers In The Holton Design Shop

Go to any computer where Solidworks loads successfully and hit the "Windows" key Windows button.png on the lower left of the keyboard.

In the "Search" field type "Command Prompt"

A window should display a link to that application. Start it.

At the command prompt, type "ping SALAD-WORKER" and hit the "Enter" key.

The display should look something like this:

SW server ping.png

If the operation fails, the server may be disabled or turned off. Find it and turn it on.

The number displayed is the IP address of the server. Copy it down.

Go back to the computer that isn't connecting and hit the "Windows" key Windows button.png there.

Type "SolidNetWork" The application link should be displayed as below:

SW server licence app.png

Start the application "SolidNetWork License Manager Client"

Click on the Server List" tab. In the window that opens, click on the "Add..." button.

A dialog box will prompt you for the IP address. Type the prefix:

"25734@" and then the IP address as it was displayed before. It should appear as illustrated below:

SW server ip addr.png

Hit both "OK" buttons and exit the application.

Try loading Solidworks again. If it doesn't work this time there is a more serious problem.