Cutting Sandpaper Strip for the Drum Sander

From Artisans Asylum Wiki

Cutting a new strip of sandpaper for the drum sander can be a bit confusing as the manual does not provide complete step-by-step instructions. This instruction sheet attempts to fill in the gaps.

Once the sandpaper is cut and you are ready to install on the machine, the strip should not be in the shape of a trapezoid but that of a parallelogram.

Drum sandpaper.png

To help you with this we have created a template for cutting the ends. So lets get started.

  1. The easiest bench to work on for this is the miter saw bench. Take the roll of sandpaper with the Velero side up and attach the end to the right side end of the miter saw bench with a spring clamp or a small F-style clamp.
  2. Roll out 141" of sandpaper. This dimension is critical; too short and the sandpaper strip is no good, too long it uses sandpaper that will be needed for the last strip on the roll.
  3. Place the left side of the template on top of the sandpaper at the left end. Make sure you can read the labels for the left side. Using a knife or scissors cut along the diagonal.
  4. Moving to the clamped end unfasten the clamp.
  5. Place the template on this end of the sandpaper. Make sure you can read the labels for the right side. Again, cut along the diagonal. The strip should now look like the second figure above.
  6. Staring from the left end of the strip roll up the sandpaper strip so that the grit is on the outside. When finished the the right side end will be on top.
  7. At the point, it will be easier to install the sandpaper on the machine if you have a helper that can turn the drum while you install the sandpaper strip.
  8. Loosen the lid locks and open the lid.
  9. Pull the old sandpaper off the drum. If the Velcro backing is intact, roll up the strip and place on the shelf for reuse.
  10. Go over to the machine and starting for the left side of the machine position the diagonal edge of the sandpaper against the edge of the drum.
  11. Have your helper slowly rotate the drum counterclockwise (this should be opposite the way the black Velcro half is already on the drum) as you feed the sandpaper strip on to it. Do not try to pull the strip tight, just make sure it is on firmly. (Note once the strip is completely on the drum you may have to go back to this end and make final adjustments.)
  12. As you feed the sandpaper strip onto the drum make sure that you do not overlap the edges and leave no more than 1/16" gap between adjacent edges. If there is stop and redo the wrapping.
  13. When you've reached the right side edge of the drum there should be very little gap between the sandpaper diagonal the retaining ring.
  14. Now go back and check the installation. None of the seams should be overlapped. There should be no puckering of the sand paper on the drum. If there is unroll the sandpaper from the drum up to where the problem is and try again.
  15. Check the first few wraps of the left end. Typically, you night have to unravel this side a turn or two to get this side installed properly.
  16. Once you are sure that the sandpaper has been installed properly, it is time to tape down the right end:
  17. Get the strapping tape and scissors from the cabinet shelf. Starting at the tip of the sandpaper place the tape on the sandpaper and the metal retaining ring of the drum.
  18. Apply the tape around the drum and retaining ring for two complete turns. The drum should be turned clockwise so that the tape is being put on counterclockwise. Use the scissors to cut the tape.
  19. Reinstall the machine cover and lock it down.