Brackets Tutorial 3: No Frills Shelf Bracket

From Artisans Asylum Wiki

Link to: Bracketage Main Page


This document shows a very simple process for making a right-angle shelf bracket. It uses mostly GREEN tools in the metal shop. The dimensions are 6" x 6" x 1-1/4" but the reader will see that these dimensions are arbitrary.

Cut the blank

We use 1-1/4" x 1/8" steel strip and cut it on the Ironworker. Mark the overall length of the bar and the line where it should be bent with a highly visible marker. Put dots where the mounting holes will go.

Turn on the power to the Ironworker so the blade rises to the top of its travel.

Insert the bar and line up the cut line with the blade of the Ironworker shear. Tigthen down the stock clamp.

thin strip

Depress the foot pedal on the Ironworker to bring the shear blade down.

cut bar