
From Artisans Asylum Wiki

The Code of Bylaws is one of the foundational documents describing the operation of the Artisans Asylum organization. These bylaws were stated most recently on January 17, 2018, and there have been some changes incorporated into them since then.

File:ArtisansAsylum Bylaws2018.pdf

Changes to the Bylaws

21 January 2021: Increasing the Number of Directors on the Board

In December of 2020, The board passed the following resolution:

RESOLVED, that the Board hereby approves an amendment to the Bylaws to (i) increase the size of the Board from between seven (7) and eleven (11) directors to between seven (7) and seventeen (17) directors and (ii) increase the number of Member-Elected Directors from two (2) to three (3) directors, should the total number of directors become greater than or equal to thirteen (13) (the “Amendment”).

The bylaws require the organization to notify A2 members of proposed changes to the bylaws. On 21 January 2021, Steve Derezinski, who was then chair of the board, emailed the members notifying them of this resolution.

File:Notification of increase to number of directors.pdf